Voluntary Accidental Death & Dismemberment Plus Insurance

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Voluntary Accidental Death and Dismemberment Plus Insurance Nobody is ever prepared to handle an accidental death or the trauma of a crippling accident. Protect yourself and your family fi nancially against such unpredictable events with Accidental Death and Dismemberment PLUS Insurance.

Pacific Guardian Life is here for you. Our home office is located here in Hawaii to take care of your needs.

Policy Features:

  • Accident Insurance options:
    $50,000, $100,000, $150,000, $200,000
  • Benefit reductions begin at age 65.
  • Policy ends at termination of employment.
  • No medical questions.
  • Premiums may be paid by payroll deduction or Electronic Funds Transfer.

Only available in Hawaii, Guam and Saipan. Some exclusions and limitations may apply.

Benefits Under Family Coverage:

  • Spouse Critical Period Benefit
  • Increased Dependent Child Dismemberment Benefit
  • Child Care Center Benefit Common Accident Benefit Seat Belt Benefit
  • Special Education Benefit

VADD Plus Benefits:

If an injury due to an accident results in death or disability within one year from the date of the accident, the benefit paid will be as follows:

Accidental Loss Of

Benefit Amount

Life or loss of two or more members*


Loss of speech and hearing


Loss of speech or hearing


Loss of one member*


Loss of thumb and index finger of same hand









*Note: “Member” means hand, foot or eye

Family Coverage

If family coverage is purchased, the dependent’s benefit will be based on a percentage of the employee’s amount and family composition as follows:

Spouse and no children

50% of insured employee’s benefit amount

Spouse and children

Spouse: 40% of insured employee’s benefit amount

Each Child: 10% of insured employee’s benefit amount

Children and no spouse

Each Child: 15% of insured employee’s benefit amount

Eligible dependents are defined as:

  • Spouse up to age 70
  • Unmarried children from birth until age 19 or up to age 25 if the child is enrolled full-time in an accredited school or college and dependent upon employee for support and maintenance.

If you elected family coverage, the following benefits may be payable:

Surviving spouse will receive an additional half-percent (1/2%) of the deceased person’s Benefit Amount for 12 months.

If a dependent child received bodily injuries which results in a covered loss, the benefit amount will be doubled. If the dependent child dies within 90-days of the covered accident, then only the death benefit payable under the family plan will be paid.

If the insured and/or spouse dies from a covered accident, an additional benefit is payable for each dependent child under age 13 who is or becomes enrolled in a licensed Child Care Center within 365 days from the date of the covered accident. The benefit is equal to 2% of the principal sum but not more than $4,000 per year. The benefit is paid once a year for not more than 5 years or until dependent child’s 13th birthday, whichever occurs first.

If the insured employee and covered spouse dies within one year of a common accident, the spouse’s benefit will be increased to 100% of the insured employee’s Benefit Amount. The combined maximum shall not be more than $400,000. “Common Accident” means the same accident or separate accidents that occur within the same 24 hour period.

An additional 50% of the Benefit Amount is payable if you or your dependent suffers loss of life or limb as the result of a covered accident which occurs while the insured is driving or riding in an automobile and using a seat belt.

Benefits are payable for incurred eligible expenses if the insured dies as a result of a covered accident.

  1. Child Benefit – If child enrolls as a full-time student at a school of higher learning before reaching age 25, benefit payable for educational expenses equal to the lesser of 2% of the benefit amount or $2,500 per child for up to 4 consecutive years.
  2. Spouse Benefit – If spouse enrolls within one year after the insured’s death in any accredited school for the purpose of retraining or refreshing skills needed for employment, benefit payable for 1 year, up to a maximum of $3,000.

Some exclusions and limitations may apply.

This is only a summary of the benefits provided under the insurance policy. All other limitations of the policy will apply. In the event of any inconsistency between this summary and the actual provisions of the policy, the actual provisions of the policy shall govern.


Using a blue or black ink pen


Pacific Guardian Life
1440 Kapiolani Blvd.,
Suite 1700
Honolulu, HI 96814