Durable Power of Attorney Form for PGL Insurance and Annuity Accounts

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This durable power of attorney form is used for your PGL insurance and annuity products. Throughout this form and the attached agreements the term “Account(s)” refers to your designated life insurance and annuity contracts with Pacific Guardian Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

Durable Power of Attorney Form for PGL Insurance and Annuity Accounts

Before completing this form, please know:

  • By completing this durable power of attorney (POA) form, you (the principal) will name a person(s) to act on your behalf, known as your attorney in fact (AIF) and they will have the authorities/powers you select in this form.
  • Pacific Guardian Life (PGL) will rely on the most recently submitted POA, rather than any previously executed POA document on file with PGL.
  • You should consult an attorney or tax consultant for any implications prior to completing this form. PGL and its agents do not provide legal or tax advice.
  • PGL agents are prohibited from acting as a POA on behalf of PGL customers.
  • Be aware a third party vendor may not accept this PGL POA and may require their own form.


Using a blue or black ink pen

Submit in 1 of 3 Ways

Email: [email protected]

Fax: 1 (800) 946-1295

or Mail:
Pacific Guardian Life
Attn: Client Relations Department
1440 Kapiolani Blvd.,
Suite 1700
Honolulu, HI 96814