Employer Resources

  • Executive Bonus Plan

    An Executive Bonus Plan (IRC SECTION 162) is an effective method for a business to pay the premiums on life insurance covering selected key employees or a business owner. The premiums are tax deductible by the Employer as a taxable bonus to the Employee.

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  • Group Term Life Insurance

    This renewable term insurance coverage is the most common type of life insurance offered by employers. It provides a way for employers to obtain affordable life insurance for their employees and helps employees to protect their families’ assets.

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  • Key Person Insurance

    Key Person Insurance is life insurance coverage on a select employee or owner to protect the continuation of the business.

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  • Long Term Disability Insurance

    Long Term Disability (LTD) Insurance provides active employees with an income stream if they should become disabled and unable to work. Typically, LTD is meant to begin when short-term disability or temporary disability payments stop.

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  • TDI Fact Sheet

    The Disability Compensation (DC) Division of the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations prepared this brochure to help you understand the Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI). Among other things, the brochure describes benefits, eligibility requirements for receiving benefits, how to file a claim, appeal rights, and other important points relating to the program. For more information,…

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  • Temporary Disability Insurance

    Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) is a “wage replacement” program that pays benefits to partially replace loss of wages due to off-the-job sickness or injury.

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  • Voluntary Accidental Death & Dismemberment Plus Insurance

    Voluntary Accidental Death and Dismemberment Plus Insurance Nobody is ever prepared to handle an accidental death or the trauma of a crippling accident. Protect yourself and your family fi nancially against such unpredictable events with Accidental Death and Dismemberment PLUS Insurance.

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  • Voluntary Term Life Insurance

    Is your family protected from the financial consequences should you die prematurely? Voluntary Term Life (VTL) Insurance is a fast and convenient way to help protect your family’s future.

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